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Was the “ABC” Approach (Abstinence, Being Faithful, Using Condoms) Responsible for Uganda's Decline in HIV?

机译:“ ABC”方法(节制,诚实,使用避孕套)是否应对乌干达的艾滋病毒感染率下降?



Background to the debate: Uganda is one of the few African countries where rates of HIV infection have fallen, from about 15 percent in the early 1990s to about five percent in 2001. At the end of 2005, UNAIDS estimated that 6.7 percent of adults were infected with the virus. The reasons behind Uganda's success have been intensely studied in the hope that other countries can emulate the strategies that worked. Some researchers credit the success to the Ugandan government's promotion of “ABC behaviors”—particularly abstinence and fidelity. Uganda receives funds from the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, which promotes the ABC approach with a focus on abstinence-driven public health campaigns. Other researchers question whether the ABC approach was really responsible for the decline in HIV infection. Critics of the ABC approach also argue that by emphasizing abstinence over condom use, the approach leaves women at risk of infection, because in many parts of the world women are not empowered to insist on abstinence or fidelity.
机译:辩论的背景:乌干达是少数几个艾滋病毒感染率下降的非洲国家之一,艾滋病毒感染率从1990年代初期的约15%下降到2001年的约5%。2005年年底,联合国艾滋病规划署估计,有6.7%的成年人感染了病毒。对乌干达成功背后的原因进行了深入研究,希望其他国家可以效仿有效的战略。一些研究人员将成功归功于乌干达政府促进“ ABC行为”-尤其是节制和忠诚。乌干达从美国总统艾滋病紧急救援计划中获得资金,该计划以禁欲为导向的公共卫生运动为重点,推广ABC方法。其他研究人员质疑,ABC方法是否真的造成了HIV感染的下降。批评ABC方法的人士还认为,通过强调节制而不是使用避孕套,该方法使妇女有感染的风险,因为在世界许多地方,妇女无权坚持节制或忠贞。



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